I love Annabella Sciorra, and I didn't know she was seeing Bobby Cannavale. That makes me wildly jealous of them both. I can't wait to see her in Twelve and Holding, and him in Cuban-Italian-American Studs' Wild and Wacky Jockstrap Party. Oh wait. That's not a film.
Let's leave the kid out of it, OK?
She looks very pretty in that picture and I refuse to look at him cause I'm trying to tone down my sex drive for a couple weeks.
In the meantime, I do feel it's worth looking forward to Twelve and Holding (even if it seems that a lot of perfectly intelligent people would beg to differ) though probably not for Sciorra's performance since it doesn't really register.
Have you seen Michael Cuesta's first one, "L.I.E."? What's your take on it?
It's one of my favourite movies of the decade - almost no other one has had the same emotional impact - but few other people seem to like it.
Two words: Paul Dano. He can do no wrong. I like that film very much.
I'll forgive the blog's momentary lapse into Hello! magazine territory, if only so I can ask the panel whether, if they were Ryan Philippe, they'd trade Reece Witherspoon in for Abbie Cornish.
If I was - and as much as I like the whole concept of the Ryan-Reece relationship - I actually think I would. (And this even after I've sat through Miss Cornish in "A Good Year".)
Cuban-Italian-American Studs' Wild and Wacky Jockstrap Party! Whaddayamean that's not a film?! It so totally should be, or at least an -- ahem -- intimate stage piece starring Mr. Cannavale. I'm willing to start on the script if you wanna start hustling the funding...
Hey! Let's make it happen!
While I do believe Abbie Cornish to be astoundingly pretty, I'm amazed at her getting all these big-budget roles. From what I've seen her range appears pretty limited. And I'm not a fan of this whole stealing-somone's-husband-so-I-can-get-onto-MSN-news-and-demand-bigger-salary strategy.
@Martin: sorry to disappoint, but if I were Ryan Phillippe I'd clearly have no choice but to clone myself like [SPOILER!] Hugh Jackman in The Prestige and just get busy. Not with the magic, mind...
@Stinky: just think of the casting couch possibilities.
What's wrong with me today?
@Goran (to get back on track): Yep. Pretty underwhelmed by Abbie in Candy. It's Heath Ledger's film all the way and she's not there yet as an actress if you ask me.
Good to see you posting a bit more, Tim.
Twelve and Holding's solid, though for my money, it's no L.I.E. There's a remarkable subplot in Twelve and Holding which, sadly, does not involve the too-sexy-for-her-own-good Annabella S. Did you catch her recurring role in season whatever of The Sopranos? Best work she's done.
And when will you grace us with more extended notes on some of the recent films you've screened? Couldn't agree more with you about The Departed; however, I don't get Vera Farmiga and her loopy, silent-screen siren eyes.
As for Abbie Cornish.... well, if she's this much of a player as a teen (she's still a kid, isn't she?), God help Catherine Zeta Jones's marriage in a few years.
Bobby Cannavale is such a hottie.
Seeing him up there pleased me. Thank you.
It's totally my goal now to be cast in Cuban-Italian-American Studs' Wild and Wacky Jockstrap Party.
In fact, in my mind, I'm already the title characters wacky and lovable sidekick who the lead doesn't think he's in love with but then in the end realises that he is and then we make out. A lot.
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