New Releases
We've seen worse, let's face it, but it's hard not to feel unduly hugged and patronised
I question the manipulative score and odd omissions; still, potent and commendable
Trapero's direction is characteristically great on detail, texture and rock-solid humanism
Lourdes B
Often dazzling, and great around the edges; does seem evasive about its own point at times
Exposition Hell: one-time alchemist Greenaway transmutes lead into more lead
An inspiration vacuum, with little going for it except the reliable Gleeson
Storm B–
Impressive leads in a welcome feminist take on reconciliation politics, but thrill it does not
(still haven't seen: No One Knows About Persian Cats, Shank, Nanny McPhee)
Other Epic Adventures
Bumbles along, shackled to a terminally musty conception of male camaraderie
on flight to...
...34th Hong Kong Film Festival and Filmart
Helped with my city geography, but not with my ongoing bafflement at opening-night selections
Nothing makes any real sense, but it just about kept me awake
Fire of Conscience B+ (review)
on flight back...
Vengeance C–
Same old sentimental score-settling; the line between this and Taken is thinner than To's fans admit
and on the same day(!)...
...24th London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival
I expected precocious and up itself, which it is - but too damn confident not to impress
Admirably tough, forceful and well-acted, until the pile-up of misery just gets too much
Flippant fun when it's being flippant fun, though it's technically dodgy and hard to take seriously
(36 hours' sleep)
Gay love explicated through a dreamscape of danger and myth; a gorgeous homo-odyssey