Friday, December 09, 2005

A Kong rave


Javier Aldabalde said...

Loved it.

NicksFlickPicks said...

What a breathtaking review! Not only is the first "rave" to triumph over my weird, inexplicable resistance to this movie, but we all know how much harder it is to do justice to movies we love than to knock down the stragglers. Gorgeous writing, and infectious stuff.

tim r said...

Thanks! I had all the same resistance to the movie, until I sat down a few hours before the screening, watched the original, and suddenly realised exactly why Jackson had decided to remake it. In the nick of time I had an inkling he was onto something, and, lo and behold, he was. Hurrah!

NicksFlickPicks said...

What puzzles me is that I just taught the original film in my class, just reacquainted myself with all the things I admire (but alas, don't actually love) about the movie, and I'm still having a tough time. But you've got my antennae up...

And after the wintry and left-footed boredom of Narnia this afternoon, I'm at least primed for a film adventure that works!

tim r said...

Just caught Narnia last night, and tend to agree. Did love Tilda though - she belonged in a Matthew Barney film!